Lake Regional Health System | Thrive | Summer 2020

8 | Summer 2020 Q: What types of sexual problems do women experience? A: They include: • Little interest in sex • Trouble becoming aroused • Trouble having an orgasm • Painful sex “A woman might have more than one of these problems — they’re often related,” Dr. Babb says. “They can hap- pen all the time; only with a particular partner; or just at certain times in a woman’s life, such as after pregnancy.” Q: What can cause FSD? A: Female sexuality is compli- cated. Many things can contribute to a troubled sex life. Often, reasons over- lap. Frequent causes of FSD include: • Hormonal changes, such as a drop in estrogen from menopause. This can cause vaginal dryness and painful sex. • Side effects from medicine, such as drugs used to treat high blood pressure, depression and pain. • Emotional issues, such as relationship problems; memories of sexual abuse; or stress, anxiety or depression. • Health issues, such as diabetes, heart disease or arthritis. Gyneco- logical conditions, such as endo- metriosis, cystitis or pelvic muscle problems, also may play a role. Q: How is FSD treated? A: That depends on its cause. It may involve treating an underlying condition, like easing vaginal dryness with prescription hormone therapy or switching to a medicine without sexual side effects. Talking openly with your partner about what’s going on also can be helpful. S omething as personal as a sexual problem can be hard to discuss. So it may help to know that if you’re a woman facing one, you’re hardly alone. “About 4 in 10 women have difficulties with sex at one time or another,” says Corey Babb, D.O., FACOOG, IF, NCMP, who specializes in women’s health at Lake Regional Obstetrics and Gynecology. “The welcome news: Female sexual dysfunction (FSD — the medical term) is treatable.” That’s why it’s important to share any concerns about your sex life with your obstetrician-gynecologist. But before having that conversation, you may want to know more about FSD. Here are answers to common questions: WOMEN’S HEALTH Women’s sexual HEALTH