Lake Regional Health System | Thrive | Spring 2019 3 Substance abuse Our action plan A new opioid stewardship program helps Emergency Department physicians and orthopedic surgeons identify patients at high risk of negative drug events, including addiction. Lake Regional is teaming up with Camden County Health Department and Central Ozarks Medical Center to reduce opioid overdoses in high-risk rural communities. Get involved A free, one-hour public health talk, “Fighting the Opioid Epidemic,” is scheduled for 10 a.m. Thursday, March 14, at Lake Regional Hospital. Pharmacy manager Tony Kauten, PharmD, will explain opioid addiction, including its risk factors, signs and symptoms. He also will train participants on how to respond to an overdose and how to get naloxone at a pharmacy. Register at . Ability to pay Our action plan Staff members will be educated about available financial assistance so they are better able to help patients. Lake Regional will support the Missouri Department of Insurance in helping eligible residents enroll in public assistance programs, including Medicaid. Get involved Lake Regional will present “Understanding Health Care Billing,” a free health talk at 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 16. Topics include avoiding unexpected bills and understanding the difference between a deductible, co-insurance and co-pay. Register at lakeregional .com/billingtalk . Mental health Our action plan Certain Lake Regional staff members are becoming certified instructors for Adult and Youth Mental Health First Aid so they can train more staff and the public on how to recognize mental illness and how to help someone in crisis. Get involved Lake Regional Hospital hosts a monthly Grief Support Group and a monthly Depression Support Group. Find upcoming meetings at . See the report and implementation plan at reports . The survey is done every 3 years. individuals submitted surveys. community focus groups provided input. 802 5 About the Community Health Needs Assessment