Lake Regional Health System | Thrive | Fall 2020

WELLNESS Moderate vs. vigorous exercise: Know the difference How much heart-pumping exer- cise do you need to stay healthy? Exercise guidelines typically advise that every week most adults should get at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise at a moderate intensity or 75 minutes of aerobic activity at a vigorous intensity. What’s the difference between moderate and vigorous exercise? Moderate exercise means you’ll breathe faster but can still talk when you work out. With vigorous workouts, you can’t talk much. The chart shows some examples of both types of exercise. Moderate physical activities Vigorous physical activities Doing light yardwork or gardening Doing heavy yardwork: digging, hoeing, chopping wood Hiking Hiking uphill or with a heavy backpack Playing doubles tennis Playing singles tennis Walking briskly Jogging or running Biking at less than 10 mph Biking at more than 10 mph Stretching Swimming laps Golfing (walking and carrying clubs) Playing basketball Sources: American Heart Association; U.S. Department of Agriculture Join us for Workout Wednesdays Phase 3 Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab are exercise programs for pa- tients with heart and lung conditions. Before COVID-19, these patients came to Lake Regional rehab gyms for regular supervised workouts. When the pandemic made in-person gathering unsafe, Lake Regional Cardiopulmonary Rehab team members innovated and launched free “Workout Wednesdays” on Facebook Live. These 30-minute, low- impact workouts provide patients with motiva- tion and encouragement to stay active at home. Participants also can con- nect with one another by posting comments. “It’s been good for our patients to stay connected to a healthy routine, and it’s been good for us to be able to continue supporting them and to see their positive comments,” says Jody Corpe, E.P., Lake Regional Cardiopulmonary Rehab manager. “Workout Wednesdays” are posted on at 2:30 p.m. each Wednesday. You also can find a playlist of past videos at . Anyone is welcome to view the videos. Always talk to your doctor before beginning a new exercise routine. 11